Author: jordany

  • Order

    Here you can request an art piece that you may want for yourself 



    1. Contact me using either Email or Instagram
    2. Describe what you want to create
    3. Enjoy your customized art piece

    Note: I’m the only person so artwork will not be immediate thanks for your understanding 

  • Contact

    Here’s my email for contact on how to get some artwork for your devices. or if you have any questions or concerns.




  • About


    Hi, my name is Jordan I’m a student At Bronx Community College currently in my second to last semester and my major is digital design. I wanted to make this website to showcase my art. I started to make some artwork during quarantine and started making cartoons of people then started to make some wallpapers for phones and iPads, etc.. When I got to college I started to try different styles and techniques making business cards, logos, and mockups. And so I saw that I have many ways for people to see my artwork on their everyday devices. 

  • Welcome to Art By Jordan

    Welcome to Art By Jordan

    Welcome to my artwork this website is for me not just to show off my work but also a way for others to get some artwork for their devices