About Art 88

ART 88 Web Interactivity
2 credit / 4 hours | Dr. Claudia Jacques de Moraes Cardoso

Course Outline | Spring 2024 | 14 Weeks | Online Synchronous (OS)


Course Information


Section: D01 24845 | 14 Weeks
Mode: Online Synchronous
Date & Time:
Tuesdays, 2:00 pm – 5:40 pm
Location: Zoom
Course Site:

Instructor: Claudia Jacques de Moraes Cardoso, PhD, MFA
Office Hours: Tuesdays 7 to 8 pm or by appointment
Office Hours Location: Zoom (link in Blackboard)
Email: claudia.jacques-de-moraes-cardoso@bcc.cuny.edu
Text Message & Whatsapp: 914.924.0703
Whatsapp Group: Link in Blackboard


Course Description


This course introduces the principles of interactive design for the Web. It focuses on developing a basic understanding of the design process, proper coding and styling of web pages, exploring concepts of interactivity, and designing projects for Internet delivery. Projects range from web presentations, fully functionals HTML, CSS and JS web pages to the production of fully functional web sites utilizing the latest technology.

Prerequisites: ART 84 or departmental permission
Co-requisite:  ART 87 or departmental permission


Course Learning Outcomes
+ Measures


·       Demonstrate an understanding of the design process, time management and procedures involved in the development of mobile and web (user) interfaces. All assignments.

·       Demonstrate an understanding of Interactivity, Usability and Accessibility concepts in creating web content and other interactive systems for user interfaces. All assignments.

·       Show ability to apply fundamental design, user interface and interactivity principles to user interfaces. All assignments.

·       Show ability to build and edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript standards-compliant user interfaces. Assignments 3 to 6.

·       Demonstrate the ability to prepare different file formats for Web and host them on a server.  Assignments 3 to 10.

·       Demonstrate basic knowledge of static and dynamic user interfaces, client and server-based content. Assignments 3 to 9.

·       Demonstrate file, task and project management skills in the creation and management of web sites and animations. All assignments.

·       Use fundamental composition, color, and typographic principles effectively in the design of aesthetic and functional layouts for interactive user interfaces.  All assignments.



Digital Arts Program Goals
+ Measures

1.     To Introduce students to the process involved in planning and executing the design of visual communications. To foster the ability to create and develop visual form in response to design problems.  All assignments.

2.     To foster the development of technologically literate visual communicators who understand the use of traditional tools and new technology in support of their professional and academic career. To promote the development of information literacy. To develop the ability to demonstrate a measurable degree of competence in the use of computer and the major software packages utilized in print and web design.  All assignments.

3.     To prepare students with the ability to use reasoning and analysis to research, analyze and evaluate visual communications according to the needs of its audience.  All assignments.

4.     To become familiar with the major achievements in the history of art, design and typography, including the works and intentions of leading artists/designers in the past and present.  All assignments.

5.     To promote professional growth and development through the use of dynamic self-reflection. To develop in students the ability to examine and critique personal work and values in order to be able to become self-developing in their college and professional careers.  All assignments.



General Education Goals
+ Measures


Communication: Use reading, writing, listening and speaking to find, interpret, and communicate information in various modes, including aesthetic, symbolic and graphic.  All assignments.



Required Materials

·       Computer with Internet access, video and sound capabilities,

·       Adobe XD, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, FTP app installed in the computer,

·       Course Blackboard,

·       Zoom synchronous meetings (link in Blackboard),

·       BCC email account,

·       Sketch paper, ruler, pencil, and black draftsman pen (Pitt pens or Black Gel pen),

·       Class Whatsapp group (link in Blackboard).



Course Requirements

In this class you are required to:

·       Attend ALL weekly class meetings in-person. See schedule. Tuesdays, 2:00 pm – 5:40 pm;

o   Participate on in class critiques and discussions.

·       Dedicate at least three (3) hours a week to work asynchronously to:

o   Access the course site weekly to be abreast of the course content.

o   Watch the required weekly video demos, lectures and presentations on your own and on time;

o   Read required text content.

o   Develop tutorials, projects and skills exercises on your own and on time;

o   Upload your work to E-portfolio and/or Blackboard as required.

o   Complete Blackboard quizzes and self-evaluations on time;

o   Create and maintain your own E-portfolio to show your course work.

o   Check your BCC email a few times a week.

o   Participate in the class Whatsapp group.



                    Content Overview



Assignments unravel over the course of the semester and are an opportunity to put the ideas/concepts/skills discussed in class into action. Students will complete two interconnected projects and several tutorial exercises to improve their UI design skills.


Exercises & Tutorials

Students will need to complete weekly exercises/tutorials related to the content in order to build their technological knowledge and implement the course projects.


Quizzes & Self-Evaluations

Quizzes and/or Self-Evaluations will be given throughout the semester testing students on the content. This will cover major vocabulary and specifics of code syntax/grammar.


Presentations, Videos and Readings



Course Website/Blackboard

Visual and Video presentations as well as readings help complement class lectures and you are expected to watch and read all of them.


The class website hosts all pertinent course information, and should be referred to when needed. The syllabus and schedule are available as downloadable PDFs and as a web page. Presentations, Videos and Readings are hosted on the course site. All your work should be submitted to Blackboard.







Your final course grade will be an average of 100-point scale based on the following:



Class Participation and Productivity











·       Each of the assignments will be evaluated according to a specific list of required criteria given to you with the assignment.

·       Class participation and productivity portion of your score will be based on promptness, your participation in discussions and critiques, and in class work ethic (ex: no parallel talk, no cell or electronic devise usage, no ipod listening, or working on anything not related to class work, disappearing from class, etc…)

·       Video presentations and readings do count. Evidence of watching/reading them should be visible in blog posts, projects and class discussion. Failure to carefully watch/read will impact these components of your grade.

·       Student grades will be negatively affected by late assignments, and lack of participation or preparedness.

·       Projects should be submitted to Blackboard before the beginning of class whether you attend the synchronous meeting or not.
No emailed assignments are accepted – they are deleted.

I am here for you! At the first sign of struggle with the course material you should contact through Whatsapp, Text message to set an appointment to meet me synchronously so we can develop a plan to help you succeed.



Course Participation

This course relies on synchronous and asynchronous at home assignments, projects, skills exercises, group discussions & critiques, demos, individualized instruction, visual presentations/lectures, assigned research & readings, written responses, self-assessments, on-line course supplement, and online student portfolio. It’s important that you arrive to class on time & prepared.

Late arrivals and early departures are disruptive to your peers and yourself and affect your class participation. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to obtain any missed handouts, information, and assignments from the course Blackboard. Once you have reviewed the class content and homework for the missed day, e-mail or text me with any questions.

You will be expected to turn in any assignments that were given on their assigned due date. This means that if you are absent, the following class you must turn in the work that was due on the date of your absence and the new work that is due that day.


Communicating with Prof. CJ

Communicating through E-mail

I am happy to communicate through email, and I strongly encourage you to use your BCC email account. When emailing your instructors, peers, administrators and staff, please keep the following Email Etiquette in mind:

·       First, make sure what you want to communicate is best suitable for an email exchange. Remember that your college email account is an official college record.

·       Make sure what you are about to ask or comment on in your email is not addressed on the course site and syllabus. Asking a professor to go over a content that is already available on your course site or syllabus makes you look like you are not a serious student and only harms your cause. If after going over the content you still have questions, by all means, do ask them!

·       Type a clear, informative and succinct Subject Line and always include BCC Art87.

·       Use a salutation. Instead of jumping right into your message or saying “hey,” begin with a greeting like “Dear” or “Hi,” and then address the person by the appropriate title and last name, such as “Dr. Jacques” or “Prof. Cardoso.” I welcome you to use my first name: “Claudia”.

·       Use traditional rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation in your message. Read your email aloud to proofread the message yourself, as spell check won’t catch everything.

·       Please avoid acronyms or abbreviate words for convenience. Use complete sentences and only standard abbreviations. http://abbreviations.yourdictionary.com/articles/list-of-commonly-used-abbreviations.html.

·       Do NOT send file attachments through email that are over 250 kb. If you are not sure what the file size is, don’t send it. All artwork should be posted to your e-portfolio and you can send me a link to the image page. You can also text me a file if you want me to check your work. Reading posts should be embedded in Blackboard’s editor.

·       Finalize your email with a signature. Instead of concluding with “Sent from my iPhone” or nothing at all, include a signature, such as “Thanks”, “Best” or “Sincerely,” followed by your name (first and last). Please include your class name, reference number, semester and year the first time you contact me through email.

If you have any questions or need assistance throughout the semester or miss a class, I encourage you to set up an appointment by email at claudia.jacques-de-moraes-cardoso@bcc.cuny.edu to meet me. I check email frequently, but always allow 48-hours for a response. Please plan accordingly!



Communicating through text message

I am also happy to communicate through text message to more quickly give you feedback on assignments, and clarify concepts that you do not understand, but again, please be aware of the following texting protocol:

·       Make sure what you are about to ask is NOT addressed in the course site, project specifications or syllabus.

·       Please do NOT call my cell phone number unless I specifically instruct you to do so.

·       Always, start your text message with your name and class reference. – bcc art 87. This way I know whom I am talking to.

·       Please avoid abbreviations. If I can’t understand what you are communicating, I can’t help you.

·       I am very prompt but please do allow me time to answer your text message. It will be faster than email but I have a very busy life and I may be tied up for hours before I can give you feedback. Again, plan accordingly!

·       I am constantly editing and improving our course site. I count on you to give me feedback on any broken links, missing content or discrepancy that you come across. Please text me as soon as possible with the URL link and a printscreen of the issue.

·       Any other information related to you, a class or the course that does not involve a specific assignment or content should be done through your BCC’s email.

If you haven’t received a response within 24 hours, feel free to follow up with a second email or text message as I may have missed your communication.


Tips for Success

·     Plan your time – web projects are time consuming and technically involved. Plan to spend at least five hours a week working on the work own computer.

·     Work with a friend—two heads are better than one when you run into technical, conceptual or creative roadblocks. You can use Blackboard Collaborate for that

·     Save and save again. Back up your work in MULTIPLE locations.

·     Attend class – each week builds on the previous one. Missing class will severely impact your success.

·     Ask for help when you have trouble – don’t allow yourself to get behind on new material.


Student Success Services

Student Success is home to sixteen departments including Support Services, Academic Support Services and Student Life.

To make your experience count at BCC, our support for students includes admissions and registration, financial aid services, general academic advising, transfer, career and personal counseling services, as well as services for international, veteran and disabled students.

The Student Success team is determined to providing the academic and support services that you need to reach your potential. Our goal is to empower you in an effort to help you achieve your personal and professional goals and walk across the stage at commencement!

The Student Success teams are available to help you succeed academically and personally. The link below opens to an information page on offices with phone numbers and e-mails as well as remote services.

You will need your Bronco Id and email to correspond with Student Success Services personnel. Here is a link for you to claim your Bronco ID and email:
Support for logging into your BCC Email and Blackboard is available. 




Bronx Community College respects and welcomes students of all backgrounds and abilities. If you encounter any barrier(s) to full participation in your courses due to the impact of a disability, don’t hesitate to contact Disability Services Office. A Disability Services specialist will meet with you to discuss the barriers you are experiencing and explain the eligibility process for establishing academic accommodations for your courses. You can reach Disability Services by email at disabilityservices@bcc.cuny.edu or phone at (718) 289-5874, Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm.

Student Self-Identification:  Students should self-identify by emailing the professor a copy of both sides of their accommodations I.D. card or accommodation letter

Exam Accommodations: We don’t have exams in this class but if you need any form of accommodation, we strongly recommend that you submit an electronic Starfish request to request accommodations.

Only students registered with the Disability Services Office have the option of making electronic requests.



Personal Counseling

The Office of Personal Counseling (OPC) is working remotely due to COVID-19, but is still available to help you with free and confidential services. Services are offered via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facetime and telephone.

To speak to a counselor please call, 718.289.5223 and leave a message.  When leaving a message, please say your phone number twice. A counselor will call you back.

You can also send an e-mail to BCC’s Intake Coordinator at Personal.Counseling@bcc.cuny.edu.

If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911.  Please note that counselors from the OPC are only available during our office hours.

If you are in crisis and you need immediate support or need to speak to someone outside of business hours, please call NYC WELL at 888.692.9355 or text “WELL” to 65173.

NYC WELL is a 24/7 phone or text hotline for support and referrals. 




Distance Learning,

Computer & Tutoring

Distance Learning webpage – http://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/distance-learning/


Faculty and Student FAQ’s? – http://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/distance-learning/students-distance-learning-faqs/

BCC lends computers to students and offer WIFI access through hotspots. Fill out the Device Loaner application to borrow them for the duration of the semester – https://site.bcc.cuny.edu/BCCDeviceLoanform/

Please note that loaner devices are available only for actively enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff.  All equipment will be loaned on a first come, first served basis.  Please note that MiFi hotspots are only available for students.


The Art & Music Department offers tutoring in digital arts. The lab techs and/or tutors can guide you to the needed resources and/or help you with certain tasks. Don’t hesitate to contact Joseph Ramirez at Joseph.Ramirez@bcc.cuny.edu or Jennifer Mercado at  Jennifer.Mercado@bcc.cuny.edu if you need help with Art 88.

Please check the college site at  http://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/academic-departments/art-and-music-department/academic-advising-tutoring-support-services/ or contact Cesar Rivera, Senior College Lab Technician by email cesar.rivera@bcc.cuny.edu for more info on available resources and assistance.

Writing Center

The BCC Writing Center provides writing assistance in all subject areas: Sage Hall 100 (contact: janet.roberstson@bcc.cuny.edu).


The Evening Weekend Wire

The Evening and Weekend Office is full service daily drop in center that offers support and assistance to students enrolled in weekday evening and weekend classes.  They phone number is 718 289 5703

Hours of operation TBA.



Academic Integrity

BCC fosters an academic community where students and faculty work together to create learning experience that imparts knowledge and forms character. To achieve this, the College requires all members of the community to adhere to the policy of Academic Honesty that can be found in the Student Handbook, the College Catalogue and on the College website.

Digital Media is an academic subject. If you are using digital resources or images in your digital work you MUST cite the source (hyperlinks are acceptable in this medium). Stealing and taking credit for work that is not your own is dishonest and may also be ILLEGAL. Images, songs, text and video can only be used in their entirety if they are in the public domain. Parts of images, songs, text and video may be legal if an argument for “fair use” can be made. If you have specific concerns related to digital media please contact your instructor immediately.


Cheating is defined as (a) taking or giving help on a test; (b) using unauthorized books, papers, notes or unauthorized pre-prepared materials during an examination; (c) passing off another person’s work as one’s own in the case of projects, papers, portfolios, lab reports; or (d) falsifying reports that clinical procedures were completed and fabricating data such as vital signs, lab reports, etc.


Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty that occurs when individuals attempt to present as their own, ideas or statements that have come from another source. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the following: Failing to acknowledge (give a citation for) the ideas of another person, whether or not such ideas are paraphrased. Attempting to rewrite borrowed material by simply dropping a word here and there, substituting a few words for others, or moving around words or sentences. Failing to place quotation marks around borrowed material in the approved style (it is no defense to claim that one has “forgotten” to do so). Presenting as one’s own work a paper or computer program prepared by another person, whether by another student, friend, or family member, or by a business that sells such papers or programs to students.

Allegations of cheating or plagiarism, if proven, may result in disciplinary action pursuant to Article 15 of the bylaws, with penalty ranging from failure in the course to dismissal from the College.

CUNY’s statement on Academic Integrity:




Helpful Information for Students

Please visit the BCC website: https://www.bcc.cuny.edu/campus-resources for a list of services BCC offers. 

•   Career Development: 718-289-5177, Sage Hall 2nd floor

•   Disability Services: 718-289-5874, Loew Hall 211

•   Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence: 718-289-5100 ext. 3730

•   LGBTQI+ Resource Room: Roscoe Brown Student Center 301 (contact: Emalinda.McSpadden@bcc.cuny.edu)

•   Personal Counseling: 718-289-5223, Loew Hall 419/430

•   Public Safety: Emergency 718-289-5911, General Info 718-289-5390, Loew Hall 505/511

•   ARC (Access Resource Center): 718-289-5179 Loew Hall 419 (food pantry, housing assistance, SNAP, tax prep, WIC, legal aid, financial emergency etc.)